
Welcome, I’m Judy.

I am happy that you’re here.

I look forward to getting to know you, and hearing your intentions and desires.

Here’s a bit about me and my intentions.

I want to be a supportive ally to those who want to fulfill an intention or achieve a goal, and realize that they can do so more easefully with the help of someone who can deeply connect with their intention.  If you are someone who feels a desire but yet to act on it, and want an ally to process what’s needed to get to action, make a decision, or uncover and remove obstacles, I am here for you in the capacity as your ally.  Being an ally means that in addition to being your intuitive coach as you make life choices, I am also actively supporting your choices and desired life.  I do this by offering both practical and energetic resources so that you can journey closer to living your life more fully and in alignment with your values and desires.  Some people characterize it as “living a blissful life” and I can see why because it is blissful to be living in alignment with your soul’s deepest desires and purpose.  I have personally felt this bliss.

Having an active ally by your side during times of transitions, healing, major life decisions can make all the difference.  We already have our biggest ally by our side always because it’s our own inner pilot, higher self, soul, or what I like to term, our “high vibe self”.  And … things are easier when we can work towards our goals with the support of another, or in community. 

In addition to listening deeply to your intentions and coaching you through the process, I will actively ally with the energy of your desires so that they can come into reality more easily for you.  I will also call in any additional allies that could benefit you and support your intention.  I use multiple modalities to access your helpful allies, one of which is via systemic constellations whereby your ancestors provide support.  Those who came before us gave us life and want us to live the life we wish. Therefore, often our ancestral lineage is a resource of us.  From my Chinese heritage, I grew up learning how to communicate and access the support of my ancestors, and I can assist in your contact with your lineage.  I am also a trained Systemic Constellation Facilitator and happy to introduce this modality to you if it’s new to you.

Stepping into the role as your ally is what makes my services and offerings unique.  It’s also why after our initial session, I gift you, as my client, one complimentary follow-up session via email.  You can reach out when questions arise, or you need additional support as you journey forward.  I want you to know and feel that you are supported until you are living your desired life.  

Your allies are by your side. 

We are here for you.

Educator/Community Builder

Judy is a life long learner in every sense. Her innate curiosity makes her so. It was her curiosity about people and human behavior that led Judy to study psychology and earn two degrees in general psychology and organizational behavior. Observing and harmonizing group dynamics became a fascination in her graduate studies. Why does one team find ease and success while another languishes in frustration? Such interests incite Judy’s natural abilities to form communities, including a micro-school that served 75 families. Though primarily a school administrator, Judy also trained as an educator in many progressive models including Waldorf education, Emilio Reggio, and Montessori approaches. Being in the classroom with students is always the highlight for anyone with an educator’s heart. Judy is grateful to all her students who have taught her many lessons, on many levels, and whose hearts have touched hers and have been touched.


Growing up in an immigrant family, Judy learned to be enterprising and resourceful as she witnessed her parents and family members build businesses throughout NYC. At one time in her childhood, it was possible to wander around lower Manhattan and be greeted and fed by all the family-run businesses. Starting and running businesses is a family trait! That gene came in handy when Judy worked for Fortune 500 corporations who sought her out to lead their start-ups and new initiatives. Some people create through music and works of art. Judy creates by building organizations and communities. Allies in Life is Judy’s most recent creation! Judy honed her entrepreneurial tendencies by earning her MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, where she met and learned from innovative leaders such as Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Bezos (who was just starting out and selling only books!). Currently, Judy allies with and consults for non-profit organizations, individual business owners, and shares her expertise in entrepreneurial endeavors and marketing/branding strategies.

Systemic Constellation

Judy completed formal training in Systemic Constellations and currently facilitates constellations for individuals and organizations. She finds the systemic constellations approach beneficial for making major life choices, healing from trauma, revealing and resolving organizational challenges, and helping clients meet their established intentions. Judy’s curiosity and compassion, along with her intuition, makes her an effective and loving ally as she and her clients explore the blocks and remove obstacles to their desires and intentions. Facilitating systemic constellation is a primary means for Judy to express her intuition, something that she has safeguard since she was a “sensitive child”. Judy is grateful to Bert Hellinger, Founder of Systemic Constellations, the Zulu tribe from whom Bert drew inspiration, and all her teachers, mentors, colleagues, and clients who have met and played with her in “The Field”; a place where Judy feels most at home because she can be herself fully in her highest vibe.